„Ataraxia“, CD release (collection of reviews) / 1999
Works with sound, CD-Edition S Press and Plate Lunch, 1998 1. Bad Alchemy #33, January 1999, reviewed by: Rigobert Dittmann Der 1943 in Seattle geborene und zur Zeit in Köln lebende Klang-Installateur Terry Fox war mit Arbeiten auf den DOCUMENTAs 5, 6 und 8 vertreten. Er betrachtet sich selbst als einen „sculptor in sound“ und […]
On eddition telemark’s issue of terry fox’s long lost 552 steps through 11 pairs of strings, from 1976
June 9, 2017 / Soundohm by Bradford Bailey Bubbling below the histories of sound-art, fine-art, and avant-garde music, there are a handful of remarkable figures who bridge all three – collapsing the barriers between creative limit, context, location, and aural experience. Of these, Terry Fox long occupied a place of respect and renown for those […]