Collaborations with Junko Wada

© video stills: the artists

Berliner Straße


with Junko Wada and Terry Fox
performance / situation, with sound
date: 09th of November 2003
place: subwaystop U9 and U7 »Berliner Strasse«, Berlin, Germany
part of the annual „Projekt Process Vol.2 – Punkt und Linie Berlin“ by Junko Wada
video-documentation: Berliner Straße, 6’04, 2003
camera: Konstanze Binder, Marita Loosen-Fox
edit: Junko Wada
postproduction: Hans Peter Kuhn, version 2016

© video stills: the artists

5 Stones


with Junko Wada, Terry Fox, Felix Hess, Rolf Julius, Akio Suzuki,
performance / situation, with sound
date: 12th of June 2003
place: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
part of the annual „Projekt Process Vol.2 – Punkt und Linie Berlin“ by Junko Wada
video-documentation: Hachinoco, 5’23, 2003
camera: Marita Loosen-Fox
edit: Junko Wada
postproduction: Hans Peter Kuhn, version 2016