Audio Works
„Isolation Unit”, EP disc (with Joseph Beuys), excerpt from the action by Terry Fox and Joseph Beuys, published by the artists, 1970
„Terry Fox: The Labyrinth Scored for the Purrs of 11 Different Cats”, 90 Min. cassette, Prod. ZBS, New York, published by the Artist (cassette with orginal drawing), 1976
„Terry Fox: Insalata Mista” (excerpts: Isolation Unit 1970, Suono Interno 1979, Timbre 1976, 552 Steps Through 11 Pairs of Strings 1976, Lunar Rambles 1976, Culvert 1976), cassette, Pub. S. Press, München, 1982
„Sound”, LP disc (Anthology), Pub. L.A.I.C.A., Los Angeles, California
„Airwaves”, Set of LP discs, (Anthology, excerpt: The Labyrinth Scored for the Purrs of 11 Different Cats, 1976), Pub. 110 Records, New York, New York, 1977
„Joan La Barbara / Terry Fox – Mag Magazine 3”, cassette, (excerpt: Wenia Ring), Limited Edition, C90, Pub. Modern Art Gallery (Grita Insam), Vienna, 1979
„Audio Transart”, cassette (Anthology) Pub. Audio Transart, New York New York, 1979
„Quatro Stagione”, Box containing: cassette (excerpts: Lago Contunnii, Suono con Tensione, Suono Interno, Chorda Tympani. All works: 1979), drawing with sound sculpture by Terry Fox, and 30 photographs by Enzo Pezzi (Ed. 4) Pub. Galleria Pellegrino, Bologna, 1979
„Terry Fox. Linkage”, LP disc with catalogue, Pub. Kunstmuseum, Luzern, 1981
„Audio Eyes”, cassette (Anthology) Pub. Art Spaces, S.W. Australia, 1983
„Revolutions Per Minute”, set of LP discs (excerpt: Suono Interno 1979), Pub. Ronald Feldman, New York, New York, 1982
„De Appel 3”, cassette (Anthology) Pub. De Appel, Amsterdam, 1984
„Terry Fox: Audio Works”, cassette (excerpt: Culvert 1976, Lunar Rambles 1976, Timbre 1976, The Labyrinth Scored for the Purrs of 11 Different Cats 1976, Flu alarm, 1977) Pub. Recorthings / exit & exempla, Mauricio Nannucci, Florenz, 1983
„Berlino / Rallentando”, LP disc. Pub. Het Appolohuis, Eindhoven, 1988
„Tellus #21 – Audio by Visual Artists”, Audio Cassette Magazine (excerpt: The Labyrinth Scored for the Purrs of 11 Different Cats,1976), New York, 1988
„Labyrinth Scored for the Purrs of 11 Different Cats”, (90’) Reissue, Audio Cassette Edition, Het Appollohuis, Eindhoven, 1989
„Ataraxia”, Works with sound, CD (excerpts: Suono Interno 1979, Rallentando 1979, Lunar Rambles 1977, Culvert 1977, Berlin Attic Wire Beating 1981, Berlin Attic Wire Bowing 1981) Edition S Press and Plate Lunch, 1998
„Highfidelity”, John Cage (Mureau), Terry Fox (Culvert), LP Vinyl. Artists’ Records in the Marzona Collections, Edition RZ, Berlin, 2008
„The Labyrinth Scored for 11 Different Cats”, (Version 2003, 70’) LP Vinyl. Terry Fox, Choose Records, 2009
„MOCA/FM”, Exhibition of one minute sound works from the Museum of Conceptual Art, San Francisco (Broadcasted on KPFA_FM-Radio, Berkeley, March1,1971) Pub. Slowscan Vol.27, 2015
„Terry Fox – 552 Steps Through 11 Pairs of Strings”, 1976, double LP Vinyl,
Edition of 300:, 2017
„Terry Fox — audio works”, LP Vinyl, Reissue, Pub. Maurizio Nannucci & Zona Archives / Edited by Recorthings, Florence & Song Cycle Records, London / Limited edition of 500 copies, 2018
„Terry Fox — Linkage”, LP Vinyl, Reissue, A project by Marita Loosen-Fox, Estate of Terry Fox & Ron Meyers / edited by Superior Viaduct LLC / ÉTATS-UNIS, Steven Wascovich, San Francisco / Limited edition of 750 vinyl records, 2019
„Joseph Beuys Aktionen 1963–1986“, DVD-Edition, including: „Isolation Unit / Action the Dead Mouse“ – by Terry Fox and Joseph Beuys, 1970. Edited by: Peter Weibel, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, 2022 (German, English)
Video Works
„Flour Dumpling“, Video, Color, 30 Min., Dayton, Ohio, USA
„Holes and Entrances“, Video, B + W, 30 Min, New York, NY, USA
„Lunar Rambles“, 5 Video Tapes, Color 2 1/2 Hours, New York, NY, USA
(Distribution EAI)
„Lunedi“, Video, Color, 30 Min, Florence, Italy
„Childrens Tapes“, 34 Video Tapes, B + W, 30 Min, San Francisco, California, USA
(Distribution EAI)
„Incision“, Video, B + W, 15 Min, San Francisco, California, USA
„Clutch“, Video, B + W, 50 Min., San Francisco, Califonia, USA
„Turgescent Sex“, Video, B + W, 40 Min., San Francisco, California, USA
„Tounging“, Video, B +W, 30 Min., New York, NY, USA
(Distribution EAI)
Artist Books

„Terry Fox – Catch Phrases”,
Kunstraum München e.V., 1985.

„Terry Fox – Hobo Signs”,
Kunstraum München e.V., 1985.

Terry Fox, „Textum (Web)”,
in Kooperation mit Het Apollohuis, Eindhoven, 1989.